The Foundation is in fact very proud to be represented with finally 3 tracks from the projects


on the new "Minimal Baby" edition from the

label and mailorder.

It is really a pleasure for us to see (or better to say "to hear") the own works
along with such a host of interesting and inspiring artists from
Germany, Mexico, Greece, Italy, Finland, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden
on the new number VII of this, for friends of Minimal Electronics, well known series.

V/A Compilation - MINIMAL BABY VII
(CD, Limited to 500)


01. Echo West - In Dir
02. Forests And Communism - Melancholy (Poly Mix)
03. Graustufe - Porcelain
04. Hafenhure - Sommerwesung mit Frau
05. ImiAFan - Toys!
06. Lendless - Strugglers
07. Linox - Es ist mein Eigentum
08. Lola Kumtus - Guidelines
09. Lower Synth Department - Straw Man's Danse
10. Mynationshit - He glares but says nothing
11. Nachtanalyse - Scan mich ein
12. Not Ready - Plastic Planet
13. Ornella Zaccardi - Digital Landscape III
14. Pio D'Orco - Bamba E Mignotte
15. Rene Glofke - 6X
16. Solitude FX - Starry Night
17. The Rorschach Garden - Clones
18. Two Minutes Warning - Repository Left Shoulder (Final Mixdown)
19. Vanessa Saturn - Kleines Mädchen
20. XTR Human - Spiegelmenschen (Minimal Electro Version)

V/A Compilation - MINIMAL BABY VII
(SPECIAL 2x CD EDITION, Limited to 100 hand-numbered copies)

CD + CDr SET , 32 bands (135 min.)
Comes in different colored paper bag, with real beach shell


01. Echo West - In Dir
02. Forests And Communism - Melancholy (Poly Mix)
03. Graustufe - Porcelain
04. Hafenhure - Sommerwesung mit Frau
05. ImiAFan - Toys!
06. Lendless - Strugglers
07. Linox - Es ist mein Eigentum
08. Lola Kumtus - Guidelines
09. Lower Synth Department - Straw Man's Danse
10. Mynationshit - He glares but says nothing
11. Nachtanalyse - Scan mich ein
12. Not Ready - Plastic Planet
13. Ornella Zaccardi - Digital Landscape III
14. Pio D'Orco - Bamba E Mignotte
15. Rene Glofke - 6X
16. Solitude FX - Starry Night
17. The Rorschach Garden - Clones
18. Two Minutes Warning - Repository Left Shoulder (Final Mixdown)
19. Vanessa Saturn - Kleines Mädchen
20. XTR Human - Spiegelmenschen (Minimal Electro Version)

Bonus CDr:

01. Der Lustige Kerl - Tatort 1 - 3
02. Der Lustige Kerl - Zeittunnel
03. Die Psychologische Ordnung - Herzgeräusch
04. Graustufe - 1 2 3 4
05. Menthe De Menthe - Indifferenza
06. Not Ready - Frontiers
07. Not Ready - Preach!
08. Pantser Fabrik - Friday (in the Disco)
09. Pio D'Orco - Cagare
10. Ricky Zeta - Bend (Improvisation)
11. Solitude FX - In this life
12. XTR Human - Miller's Love (detuned radio remix)

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