A hindsight on… N.O.R.A.D. @Club Rodenburg, Beesd

A hindsight on…

N.O.R.A.D. @Club Rodenburg, Beesd

So, after a longer recovery period, I can finally say thank you!
The organization was indeed perfectly, absolutely nothing that I would have to complain about. The location was also amazing and the most amazing point was that these rooms were filled with an absolutely horny crowd.
Due to heavy private low blows my mood was unfortunately not the best but I am still more than happy that I met many old acquaintances and friends, artists that I did not personally know, people I only know from the internet and also new Techno-Loving-Endtime-Raver´s.
And many of the people have truly coped a huge distance to be part of this night. So fuckin' horny!!

I had so many great conversations and sucked so much awesome sound into me, that even the slightly chaotic return journey couldn´t affect me in any way.

Thanks also to all those whom it was apparently truly a matter of concern, to tell me that my music means something to them. All the money of all banks couldn't outweigh such a feeling!
Thanks so much!!!!
For me it was a unbelievable joy to play with the great support by my good friend KOMPRESSOR.
That made me really forget each other concern I have these days for a short time.
I can´t enumerate everybody here by name, because I would always forget someone and that would annoy me. 

But I think that everybody knows who is meant!


RAUM 107 supported by KOMPRESSOR - LIVE - @N.O.R.A.D.


Special thanks to Paul, Maurice and Bennie, the employees of the club, all the helping hands .... that was professional, lovely and perfect!


See ya all in Novemeber!!!!!

Daniel Sturm